Stretching the Frame: Death, Dying, and the Material Body

Sunday / 2:30 PM – 4:30 PM / Iconica Social Club
Run time: 82 minutes
Followed by a Q&A with filmmakers hosted by curator Sarah Bliss.
Filmmakers from the AgX Film Collective approach film and time as concrete but malleable materials that can be worked by hand, elongated or cut into, and where the idea of waste begs to be turned inside out. Elasticizing and manipulating both temporal and material frames, these films address death and dying via American militarism and the cult of technology, the immigrant’s experience of displacement, the power of place and memory, the hospital-industrial complex, and the malleability of identity. Subversive, reverent, poetic, playful, and reflective, they provide insight not only into the fundamental truth of impermanence and change, but also into the fecund generative resource of close relationships fostered within and by collective communities.
Boston-based AgX is part of a growing worldwide movement of artist-run film labs and collectives focused on an appreciation of photochemical filmmaking. Members maintain and share a fully equipped darkroom and specialized film production equipment, knowledge, and camaraderie. They host regular educational workshops, produce major film events, collaborate on cross-platform projects, and hold work-in-progress screenings. Curated by AgX member Sarah Bliss.
Filmmakers in attendance: Anto Astudillo, Ethan Berry, Susan Deleo, Mike Piso, Robert Todd, Doug Urbank, and others TBA.